Changes to Long Term Condition Annual Review October 2023
We are now changing the way we review your long term condition(s)*. We will now aim to complete your annual review during your birth month and hope to review all your conditions at the same time, to make things easier for you.
You will be invited for an appointment of 10-20 minutes with our Healthcare Support Worker. During this appointment all the necessary tests will be completed, such as blood tests, ECG, diabetic foot checks and urine testing. They will then arrange a second appointment for you with our Long term condition nurses, who will review your condition(s) in more details. Dependant on the outcome of your results you may not need to see a doctor. However, if necessary, the nurse will arrange this for you.
You will be invited via text/phone or letter. Please follow instructions as per text/letter. You do not need to contact us unless we’ve asked you to do so. As we are going through a transition period, you may have already recently had your long term condition review this year. If you have had this within 3 months of being invited then please ignore the invite and wait until next year.
Please bring a urine sample in a white topped bottle to your appointment. These can be collected from reception prior to your appointment. If you have diabetes and have a blood sugar monitor, or have asthma or COPD and use inhalers, please bring them to the nurse appointment. When you arrive for your initial appointment, you will be given a form to fill in before seeing the HCA, please fill it in to the best of your ability, as this information will help us ensure that you are getting the best care possible.
*List of conditions included
Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Kidney Disease
Significant Mental Health
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Peripheral Vascular Disease
We are now changing the way we review your long term condition(s)*. We will now aim to complete your annual review during your birth month and hope to review all your conditions at the same time, to make things easier for you.
You will be invited for an appointment of 10-20 minutes with our Healthcare Support Worker. During this appointment all the necessary tests will be completed, such as blood tests, ECG, diabetic foot checks and urine testing. They will then arrange a second appointment for you with our Long term condition nurses, who will review your condition(s) in more details. Dependant on the outcome of your results you may not need to see a doctor. However, if necessary, the nurse will arrange this for you.
You will be invited via text/phone or letter. Please follow instructions as per text/letter. You do not need to contact us unless we’ve asked you to do so. As we are going through a transition period, you may have already recently had your long term condition review this year. If you have had this within 3 months of being invited then please ignore the invite and wait until next year.
Please bring a urine sample in a white topped bottle to your appointment. These can be collected from reception prior to your appointment. If you have diabetes and have a blood sugar monitor, or have asthma or COPD and use inhalers, please bring them to the nurse appointment. When you arrive for your initial appointment, you will be given a form to fill in before seeing the HCA, please fill it in to the best of your ability, as this information will help us ensure that you are getting the best care possible.
*List of conditions included
Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Kidney Disease
Significant Mental Health
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Peripheral Vascular Disease